Monday, January 21, 2008

January 21, 2008
Today we went into Dublin and did a scavenger hunt. It was very windy. So windy in fact that it almost blew me away. Anyways, we took the DART into Dublin which is an electric train. The view was I believe was a glimpse of heaven. On one side you had the view of the beautiful Irish mountains and the other side you had a view of the beautiful Irish Sea. I took some pictures and just sat in awe of it all. Once we got to Dublin, we visited Trinity College and got student travel cards. From there we started our scavenger hunt. We ate at the Aroma Cafe. It was yummy! Then continued to find things on our hunt. Several times while we were walking around we had moments of clarity that finally, as if we'd waited all our lives for that one special moment, realized that we were standing in the middle of Dublin, Ireland. Flat Stanley didn't join me on this adventure today. I was afraid, with all the running and rushing around we were going to do that it would be pretty easy to loose the little guy. He will certainly join me on another adventure to Dublin in the future. Oh, before I forget, I have an interesting difference I have noticed between America and Ireland. In public bathrooms, the lighting that is used is a black light. They say that black lighting kills more germs, but it sure does provide interesting ways of seeing what you're doing in the bathroom. ;) Now we're back home safe and sound and I just took a nap... even though it's 9:55pm here. :) I shall update later when I have more to say. Love you all! MUAH!

1 comment:

Annie said...

I'm so glad you're having fun!