Saturday, June 9, 2007

Well, training is finally over and the Smoothie shack opens tomorrow. I made my first smoothie on Thursday. Smoothies are fun to make! Everyone here calls me smoothie girl. I guess that's fair but smoothies aren't my life, they're just going to be a very big part of my life for 8 or 9 weeks. I finally got my schedule for the summer. I will be working between 45-50 hours a week in the smoothie shack and 5-10 hours a week outside the smoothie shack, ordering supplies, picking up supplies, mentoring my employees, doing laundry for the rags and aprons and other odd jobs. When I first looked at all that was required of me, I started doubting I could do it. Then God's peace washed over me and I realized that this is what God wanted. He wanted me to leave those people I loved so dearly and put me in a place where what they were requiring me to do seemed overly impossible so that I can fully rely on Him. Am I intimidated? Yes, if I said I wasn't I'd only be fooling myself. Do I feel overwhelmed with the tasks that lie ahead? Yes. I cannot do this all by myself, so it is forcing me to do something my self-reliance has always warned me about, trust. Trusting God to be that strength and stamina when I feel like I cannot make another smoothie to save my life, Trusting God to hold me up when my feet like they are going to collapse any moment from fatigue, and Trusting God to love me unconditionally through it all, so that I can love His children the same way. Of course, I may over reacting a little but nevertheless I have to lean hard into Christ this summer and somehow, someway that scares me to death but in the same breath excites me beyond understanding! Please be praying for me because my nature will want to rely on my own strength this summer but I am determined that God will be the rock in which I stand in every thing I do.

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